So What is a “Momster”?

Lyndsey Jensen
2 min readJun 13, 2021

You might be wondering why I chose to name my blog “Momster of Boys”. Or maybe not, but I’ll explain anyway.

It’s actually pretty simple; sometimes I feel like I let my monster-side show as I’m doing all the mom things required of me on a daily basis. Plus, it just sounds better to say “momster” because it doesn’t completely portray the big, scary creature that lives under the bed.

Also, notice I said I “feel like” I can be a monster. I know I’m not an actual monster, even though my kids may think I am occasionally. There can also be good monsters too, right? I’m definitely thinking of that one who has cookies.

We (moms) can’t be rainbows and sunshine 24/7, especially if you are one of the lucky ones who have children that like to kick and scream in the middle of the “touch-a-truck” in front of 100 people. Don’t ask me why I used that example. That’s for a completely different, but totally relatable post.

In order to be “good” moms, we have to set boundaries with our kids and teach them right from wrong. We have to correct their behaviors so they will grow up to be productive members of society one day.

This may mean you are a “momster” today because you told your child they can’t have 6 cookies for dinner.

Or maybe they stole a toy from a kid at school and you are making them return it.

Or maybe you lost your temper because no one listened the first 10 times you told them to turn off the iPad and go to bed. Now the…



Lyndsey Jensen

Mom, wife, nurse, blogger, and traveler. I write about travel, lifestyle, parenting, and product promotions.