4 Things You Will Love About Being A Boy Mom

Lyndsey Jensen
2 min readJun 3, 2021

I think most moms out there would agree with me when I say that being a new mom is scary! The thought of being a boy mom can be even scarier!

While it’s not easy most days, there are several reasons why being a boy mom is one of the greatest gifts ever.

  1. The Kisses

Little boys give the best cheek kisses. Nothing is sweeter than having your 4-year-old son ask for a kiss before you leave him at daycare for the day. This is something you will never forget and will cherish forever as you watch him grow.

2. The Flowers

Getting a half-plucked dandelion as a gift from your son is one of the best gifts you will ever receive. Pair that with a sparkle in his eye and a giant grin as he hands it to you, and you will have a moment where your world stops. His little voice saying “here mommy!” Is one that you will never forget.

3. The Mommy/Son Dates

Taking my son to the park is one of my favorite memories of when he was a toddler. Nothing is more fun than running around, chasing him on the playground while snapping pictures to freeze that moment in time. Boys also have lots of energy, so you’re getting exercise at the same time!

4. Dinosaurs



Lyndsey Jensen

Mom, wife, nurse, blogger, and traveler. I write about travel, lifestyle, parenting, and product promotions.