10 Reasons You Should Move to Florida

Lyndsey Jensen
6 min readJun 13, 2021

If you live in the northern U.S., you probably hear people say every winter that they are going to move to Florida. Maybe you have also thought about moving to Florida but aren’t sure if you want to or if it’s even possible. It’s an even bigger decision if you have a family that you have to consider when relocating.

Almost 3 years ago, my husband and I finally decided that I should start looking for jobs in Florida to see if there was anything available in my specialty. We had absolutely no idea that everything would happen so quickly. We figured it would be our two-year plan and that would also give us time to get some debt paid down and sell our home in NW Missouri. I applied for a job, interviewed, accepted the position, shopped for a place to live, and moved to Florida in a time period of 2 1/2 months. We also had two kids (3 and 9 years old at the time) to move halfway across the country!

I’d like the share with you some of the best reasons why you should move to Florida if you have been considering it. My family is living proof that it’s possible to do and we are so glad that we made the decision to make our dream a reality!

  1. The Weather

The weather in Florida is hard to beat. It’s basically summer year-round. Yes, people complain about the heat and humidity in the summer, but I don’t feel it’s much worse than muggy Missouri in mid-July. Thankfully, there’s a swimming pool everywhere you look and most likely, there is a beach and some body of water nearby. In…



Lyndsey Jensen

Mom, wife, nurse, blogger, and traveler. I write about travel, lifestyle, parenting, and product promotions.